
The pursuit of happiness..

Hello again!! I have been writing in my journal SO much lately and am happy to have found the time to finally put some of it into my blog today [before I go to the beach (= haha!] GOSH I have SO much to say!!!! Can I start by simply saying that I am blessed beyond my own understanding..and to the worlds' perspective I may not look abnormally blessed but boy is that wrong. I have woken up every day in these past few weeks knowing that no matter what is to come, my joy cannot and will not be taken. Everything in this life is shaky, always changing, coming and going- materialistic things that we gain and lose, and relationships that we enter into and due to being human- are not 100% stable. Through all of this there is only one thing that is never changing- never failing, and that is the Lord. His love for us is perfect. And as I've been digging into the word lately He has been putting the word 'happiness' on my heart, so that is what I am going to share..

I was talking to a friend last night about how at times I think that people see me as a little looney..okay maybe REALLY looney haha! I am constantly smiling, constantly just in awe of what God is doing in my life..I mean, how can you not smile at that (=? Psalm 119:35 says "Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found." SO simple yet profound. Walking hand in hand along this path with the Lord, I am walking in His commands..and so often we try to do things on our own, what WE think is good for us. But do we really even know what is good for us? I think that we definitely have discernment from what is right and wrong, but in the plan making for our lives- I've learned to leave it up to the 'Big Man.' How can I think that I know better than the one who intricately designed and created me, what is best for my life? So in that, because He knows us so well, what He has in store for our lives ultimately is going to make us the happiest..People search forever for happiness and yet hardly ever find it. It's as simple as laying your own plans down before the Lord and wanting His will. The word says: "Happy are those who fear the Lord. Yes, happy are those who delight in doing what He commands." We delight in doing what He commands, because what He commands us to do ultimately brings us happiness. Haha ahhhh He loves us so much! It's a win/win situation, and really it seems too simple but that's the way He works!

I love how 1 Peter 1:8 states; "Though you do not see Him, you trust Him; and even now you are happy with a glorious, inexpressible joy." Trust that what He has planned is better than you could ever imagine for yourself..He wants you to be the happiest possible in the journey of life- that's what makes Him happy.

Breathing in His beauty with every breath (=,



The weaker I get, the stronger I become.

Hi everyone!!! It's been far too long since the last time I've blogged any of my writing, and for all the crazy things that  have been occurring I feel the need to finally share (=! So here goes..

These past couple of months-but really narrowed down to the past couple of weeks, have been insane. Insanely bad to an outside perspective, however insanely beautiful to me..This is my restoration process-a refining process that has a purpose greater than I can even see. My life up until this point has been a grand adventure, one of which I have tried on my own efforts to conduct all too often..and now it is time to lay my plans and ideas down and really seek my purpose in being here. Haha oh MAN God is good! I just want to shout it out on the rooftops how unfailing His love really is! In the past two weeks I have been stripped of everything seemingly important; my iPhone was stolen (you really don't realize how much you rely on those things until they're gone,) my car has broken down multiple times, my wallet was thought to be in an impound somewhere in LA area..The first thing that comes to mind, a whirlwind of emotions and "why God?" But emotions are tricky and the flesh can lead you astray. So the Lord showed me that even an honest man inside and out who was completely devoted to Him (Job 1:1,) was put through trials. I'm going to go out on a limb in saying this, but I see now that it is much easier when you are "comfortable" to talk to God and have a "good relationship" with Him..

And as it says in the book of Job, "Satan retorted, "So do you think Job does all that out of the sheer goodness of his heart? Why, no one ever had it so good! You pamper him like a pet, make sure nothing bad ever happens to him or his family or his possessions, bless everything he does—he can't lose!" 

This ties in SO many different things, but mainly showing that from satans' perspective- better yet the Worlds' perspective-of course it's easy to praise God when you have it "so good." But when those hardships come, and everyone is watching you-wondering what you did to deserve such a horrible fate-THAT'S when the most beautiful thing happens. I have trusted more in the Lord then I EVER have before through this storm, and when He shows up in each place I'm at and I can rest in Him knowing that He's with me each step of the way there leaves no room for fear..the fear that satan tries to instill in your mind knowing how your flesh will react. 

So I've been sad, and mad..I've cried and yelled and asked just like an honest man asked so long ago; "why God??" But as He has drawn me closer and closer, knowing His plan has always been greater than mine, I (alike Job) have apologized for second guessing Him. I'm embracing this journey and know that He will give me just enough light for each step of the way. If Satan sees me as such a threat, HALLELUJAH! I'm taking this stand and holding hands with my Creator the whole entire way (=!! 

Ohh I wish I could go on and on about every detail of this journey because of how amazing it has been..But I'll leave some for next time. To end-I love how 1 Peter 4:19 reads in the message;

"If good people barely make it, 
What's in store for the bad?
So if you find life difficult because you're doing what God said, take it in stride. Trust him. He knows what He's doing, and He'll keep on doing it."

Trusting Him more than ever,
Savannah (=


Beautifully Broken

This morning is a BEAUTIFUL morning in Seattle. Funny because as much as I didn't think I missed Seattle while I was in Ventura, coming back to the cold crisp air and pea coat/scarf/boot season makes me just soo in love! It's been a little bit since I've blogged but I have had SO much going on and the Lord still hasn't brought me that Mac (haha wishful thinking**.) I'm back in Washington for now, and while Ventura was an AMAZING adventure and I love what is happening down there, that's not where God wants me planted at this time. SO I'm home and God is doing a lot of work in my heart and who knows what this new season entails. He has been really speaking to me, and I wanted to share my devotional from this morning..

He says: " What you may see as broken inside yourself, I see as beautiful. I am the one who makes beautiful things out of broken hearts. I am the same God who took a brokenhearted orphan named Esther (Esther 2:7 in the Bible) and turned her into a queen who saved my people. Just as I used Esther's pain for my purpose, I will not waste a single tear you have shed, my love. I can and will use whatever is broken in your life for my glory. My love and mercy will shine brightest in those broken places. I will not only use what is broken, I will rebuild you to become even better and more beautiful than you could ever imagine."

This was SO right on with what I have been going through lately.. I know that a lot of people that have come from broken homes or just have brokenness in general can feel inadequate. I feel like that a lot of times. I know God has a huge calling on my life, and I KNOW that I am called to ministry and He is going to use me for great things. But sometimes we compare ourselves to others and it can make us feel small. I don't have a foundation from a Christian home, and I haven't grown up in the church-I also haven't gone through years of discipleship training or Bible school. I'm not perfect..and I'm still broken. But God sees beauty in that, and through my brokenness He will be glorified. I am moldable, and shapable..and this is it-this is life here and now and as the Bible says "we can't put Gods kingdom off until tomorrow, seize the day." I am 20 years old and building my foundation and being rebuilt and refined day by day. I am ready for what God has in store for me and I can't wait for the relationships that are going to be built and the roots that are going to be planted. I guess what I want people to get from this is that God can use us in ANY season in our lives, and what we may see as broken, He sees beauty in. Everything we go through is building a testimony and will be used for His divine purpose and calling on our lives.

As you take on this day and the rest of the week, I pray that you will walk with your head held high knowing that God sees so much beauty in you and He sees not what your circumstances are or what you've been through, but your heart and your potential..

Beautifully broken,


HE will fight. You need only to be still.

SO sorry that I have not blogged more! It has been a crazy past couple of weeks and God has been doing some amazing things. I finally have had a second to get to a computer and share some stuff. To start out, I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that this is where I am supposed to be. He has some big plans for me, ad has shown me that every little thing He has put inside of me is there for this exact purpose. I have met amazing people already, and built relationships in the past two weeks that I have been searching for my whole life. He took me through trials and tribulations before this new season to prepare me. I learned how to be a best friend, and how to love on girls rather than pick them a part. I learned what I need in a husband, and until then to rely on God. I learned a lot of things, and still am day by day. He is building me up as His warrior-and I couldn't feel more at home.

City Church Ventura is growing beautifully, and I know that the Lord is really moving throughout this city. In addition to the growth and radical movements of Gods glory in Ventura, Melissa (my twin/destined best friend) and I have been along side with a non profit organization in LA called the Dream Center. (For more information on it go to www.dreamcenter.org .)

I REALLY want to add more, and have SOOOO much more to say but am running out the door to work with Red Eye ( a branch of the Dream Center) tonight (Halloween) in LA. We will be encountering a lot of spiritual warfare and will need your covering and prayers. I will be posting our experience later so stay tuned.

Walking with His armor at all times,


No limitations!

Hello everyone!! I'm officially a California girl! I'm about an hour out of Ventura (=! I had my devotionals this morning with the Lord and felt like I needed to share. As we headed out this morning everything finally set in. I realized really how much I am stepping out of my boat, and trusting that the Lord will provide EVERYTHING I need! Exciting but also a bit scary, these are the times I believe that really build your faith!

So this is what I was given this morning:
"Chosen child ! I pray that you will be given dreams beyond your comprehension, and that you will have the faith to see them through. May you never put the Lord your God in a box. May you truly know that nothing is impossible with Him it you are faithful. I pray that He will use you to do things
that you could never imagine , and that you will take the first step toward greatness by giving your loving father everything you have to give. May all of your adventures with Him be blessed."

Talk about exactly what I needed to hear! I am so thankful for the iPhone that allows me to post anywhere that I am! I'm believing that if this blog is a part of my ministry that God is going to bless me with a working laptop! Maybe a Mac Lord? (=! Like this says, never put God in s box! He is SO much bigger than we can imagine! So I'm taking the step out, and giving Him everything I have to give..And I can't wait to see what this new journey beholds!

Knowing His ways are far beyond anything I could imagine (Isaiah 55:48),


Just enough light for the step you're on

Good morning (=!!!! And what a GREAT morning it is too, I drove to work and it was absolutely beautiful, one of those fall crisp mornings where you can see the blue skies ahead but there is that dewy foggy-ness haha! I love it! This is what I'll miss about Seattle, THIS is my favorite time of year.

So the Lord gave me Proverbs 19:20-21 today;
"Take good counsel and accept correction-that's the way to live wisely and well
We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails!"

SO true. We as humans try to figure everything out on our own and plan our lives out according to what society says is appropriate, or even people that are close to us, such as friends or our parents. I don't know about you, but normally when I find myself doing this I've stressed myself out to the max, trying to please everyone and make sure people think what I'm doing with my life is acceptable. I'm not going to college. I'm not starting my own business. I don't know EXACTLY what I want to do with my life, or how I'll make a living. I'm not a 100% sure about the future at all. But I'm not worried about it one bit, what I am sure of is that the Lord has it under control. "God's purpose prevails" Proverbs says, He has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us. He has so intricately programmed us for what He has in store for our lives, all of our giftings He has a purpose for. And when you are in allignment with His will for you not only are your blessings countless as the sand, but you start to understand what your talents are to be used for, and you grow in them!

So take each day one step at a time and don't stress out about tomorrow, He has it in control (=



Surprised to be loved..

What an amazing morning (=! I am so blessed this morning and want to share what the Lord has given me. It starts with just the amazing unconditional love he has for his children. 2 Samuel 22:20 is the verse of the day.  It states: "-he rescued me because he delighted in me." The bible talks SO much about how he takes delight in us, we are his children-we bring him joy!!! There is not a more proud pappa on Earth. It also says "he rescued me"..He RESCUED me. He comes to the rescue when we need him. We look up to him as his children and he picks us up, pulling us out of our circumstances. Sometimes we need to go through hard times, times of trial and tribulation that make us stronger. But when we are drowning in the ocean of hate, the JUNK that this world throws at us and we feel lost and alone THAT'S when he steps in..There have been times when I feel like everything that could go wrong has and no one can fully understand the pain I'm feeling, and then I literally feel him pull me up and hold me and show me how mighty he is. He holds me close and says "I LOVE YOU, it's going to be okay." He wants to comfort us, he above anyone knows EXACTLY what we are going through and he doesn't want to see us hurt from satans attempts to break us down..

The message version of 2 Samual 22:17-20 blew me away this morning..
"But me he caught-reached all the way from the sky to sea;
He pulled me out of the ocean of hate, that enemy chaos,
the void in which I was DROWNING.
They hit me when I was down,
but God stuck by me..
He stood me up on a wide open field
I stood there saved-surprised to be loved."

Ahhh amen amen amen! Stand in the wide open field knowing that you can be saved by him and only him, let him surprise you with his blessings and his love!!!!

In awe of his bountiful love every day,