This morning is a BEAUTIFUL morning in Seattle. Funny because as much as I didn't think I missed Seattle while I was in Ventura, coming back to the cold crisp air and pea coat/scarf/boot season makes me just soo in love! It's been a little bit since I've blogged but I have had SO much going on and the Lord still hasn't brought me that Mac (haha wishful thinking**.) I'm back in Washington for now, and while Ventura was an AMAZING adventure and I love what is happening down there, that's not where God wants me planted at this time. SO I'm home and God is doing a lot of work in my heart and who knows what this new season entails. He has been really speaking to me, and I wanted to share my devotional from this morning..
He says: " What you may see as broken inside yourself, I see as beautiful. I am the one who makes beautiful things out of broken hearts. I am the same God who took a brokenhearted orphan named Esther (Esther 2:7 in the Bible) and turned her into a queen who saved my people. Just as I used Esther's pain for my purpose, I will not waste a single tear you have shed, my love. I can and will use whatever is broken in your life for my glory. My love and mercy will shine brightest in those broken places. I will not only use what is broken, I will rebuild you to become even better and more beautiful than you could ever imagine."
This was SO right on with what I have been going through lately.. I know that a lot of people that have come from broken homes or just have brokenness in general can feel inadequate. I feel like that a lot of times. I know God has a huge calling on my life, and I KNOW that I am called to ministry and He is going to use me for great things. But sometimes we compare ourselves to others and it can make us feel small. I don't have a foundation from a Christian home, and I haven't grown up in the church-I also haven't gone through years of discipleship training or Bible school. I'm not perfect..and I'm still broken. But God sees beauty in that, and through my brokenness He will be glorified. I am moldable, and shapable..and this is it-this is life here and now and as the Bible says "we can't put Gods kingdom off until tomorrow, seize the day." I am 20 years old and building my foundation and being rebuilt and refined day by day. I am ready for what God has in store for me and I can't wait for the relationships that are going to be built and the roots that are going to be planted. I guess what I want people to get from this is that God can use us in ANY season in our lives, and what we may see as broken, He sees beauty in. Everything we go through is building a testimony and will be used for His divine purpose and calling on our lives.
As you take on this day and the rest of the week, I pray that you will walk with your head held high knowing that God sees so much beauty in you and He sees not what your circumstances are or what you've been through, but your heart and your potential..
Beautifully broken,
Love it :)
ReplyDeleteStraight from the heart.
Our biggest job is to keep ourselves (the vessel) pure, and free from things that could trip us up.
Make sure that every area of our life is above reproach :)
Hebrews 12
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. 3 Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.
Oh Savannah...was just listening to a Joyce Meyer podcast about resisting the enemy of our souls and she addresses just what you wrote about...that he can take us down in our MINDS - that's where he gets us the most's in our "stinkin thinkin!" I love that you are FIGHTING the good fight of faith to ward off and refuse feeling second best due to your past...we all have brokenness and icky stuff from our past and it's up to us to look to God, just as you are doing, to perfect us and make us whole and healthy! But, as you said, during the process we can still be used mightily in His Kingdom to help others! I continue to keep praying that God will direct you and you will follow. It's that simple. Isn't that nice? I love you!!!! You warrior you!!!!! : )